USA women's world cup tournament

USA women's world cup tournament


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02 Aug 07
1 edit

As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@my2sons said
As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.
After Megan Rapinoe protested the national anthem in 2016, U.S. Soccer quickly tried to curb similar such protests in the future.

It took only 10 days for U.S. Soccer to release a statement that said, in no uncertain terms, players are expected to stand during the playing of the national anthem. The statement said, in part: "As part of the privilege to represent your country, we have an expectation that our players and coaches will stand and honor our flag while the national anthem is played."

It was then made official in 2017, when a policy was implemented that required athletes to stand during the anthem.

That policy was repealed by U.S. Soccer in 2020 as Black Lives Matter protests raged in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd.

"It should be, and will be going forward, up to our players to determine how they can best use their platforms to fight all forms of racism, discrimination, and inequality," U.S. Soccer said as part of its statement. "We are here for our players and are ready to support them in elevating their efforts to achieve social justice. We cannot change the past, but we can make a difference in the future. We are committed to this change effort, and we will be implementing supporting actions in the near future."

There is no longer a U.S. Soccer policy mandating conduct during the national anthem. Both the U.S. women's and men's national teams' players are free to do as they please in 2023.


08 Mar 11

@my2sons said
As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.
As a "proud American" you hoped the U.S. team would lose.


20 May 16

@suzianne said
After Megan Rapinoe protested the national anthem in 2016, U.S. Soccer quickly tried to curb similar such protests in the future.

It took only 10 days for U.S. Soccer to release a statement that said, in no uncertain terms, players are expected to stand during the playing of the national anthem. The statement said, in part: "As part of the privilege to represent your coun ...[text shortened]...
What they can do from agendas being played out by the woke left and should do along with made do when representing are two different things! I’m sure Rapinoe is your hero.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@my2sons said
As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
2 edits

@mike69 said
What they can do from agendas being played out by the woke left and should do along with made do when representing are two different things! I’m sure Rapinoe is your hero.
For your information, the "woke left", as you put it, is in the majority. Everyone with a brain knows by now that "anti-woke" is code for "I don't give a damn about anybody except people who look like me, act like me and vote like me."

I'd also like to add that Christians who insist on spouting "anti-woke" propaganda are ignoring Jesus' commandment to love our brother as we love ourselves. There are plenty of so-called "Christians" out there who think they can "talk-the-talk" without "walking-the-walk".

In this day and age, ALL Christians SHOULD be "woke". But too many think it's perfectly okay to just go around spitting on their brothers, treating them like dirt, making no effort to understand them, just because their political leaders say they should. Those Christians should be profoundly ashamed of that behavior.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16

@my2sons said
As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.
IMHO, the US women's soccer team is there to compete on the field. Singing songs is secondary.

20 May 16

@suzianne said
For your information, the "woke left", as you put it, is in the majority. Everyone with a brain knows by now that "anti-woke" is code for "I don't give a damn about anybody except people who look like me, act like me and vote like me."

I'd also like to add that Christians who insist on spouting "anti-woke" propaganda are ignoring Jesus' commandment to love our brother as ...[text shortened]... political leaders say they should. Those Christians should be profoundly ashamed of that behavior.
You are a very confused blind person full of everything you pretend to hate of others. I would love to know more about your made up church you’re too embarrassed to talk about. Do you think your tiny group truly has power and people actually agree with itπŸ™‚. The thing about giving flakes and nuts like you a voice is sooner or later they always mess up big and their true colors will come out.

20 May 16

@mchill said
IMHO, the US women's soccer team is there to compete on the field. Singing songs is secondary.
It’s about putting self behind and standing together as one. Of course what do you expect from the examples of an administration that hangs a multicolored flag front and center of the White House???


08 Mar 11

@mike69 said
It’s about putting self behind and standing together as one. Of course what do you expect from the examples of an administration that hangs a multicolored flag front and center of the White House???
Republican rioters tore down the U.S. flag from the Capitol building and replaced it with a Trump flag.

20 May 16

@vivify said
Republican rioters tore down the U.S. flag from the Capitol building and replaced it with a Trump flag.
???, I think you’re missing video game time with your friends on here. Go riot and burn another city. The main point went over your head.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@mike69 said
???, I think you’re missing video game time with your friends on here. Go riot and burn another city. The main point went over your head.
It was the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters that burned up areas of Portland during the BLM protests.

You fell for it hook, line and sinker.


08 Mar 11

@mike69 said
???, I think you’re missing video game time with your friends on here. Go riot and burn another city. The main point went over your head.
So hanging up a rainbow flag bothers you...but not the American flag being torn down from a federal building and replaced with a Trump flag?

20 May 16

@vivify said
So hanging up a rainbow flag bothers you...but not the American flag being torn down from a federal building and replaced with a Trump flag?
Still missing it I see.

14 Mar 04

@my2sons said
As a proud American, I am delighted that our team only got a tie with the Dutch today. I was hoping they would lose that game and every other game coming home in
shame. If you can't respect our National Anthem, you have no business calling yourself an American. They are dead to me.
Seems, unlike our Canadian team, they are moving on.